New Order's fifth studio album, released in beginning of 1989 is their best from that decade! Having a few hits on their other albums was just a lead up to this masterpiece. Favorite songs on Technique include "Mr. Disco", "Vanishing Point", "Dream Attack", "Love Less" and "Round and Round". The lyrics and music is one of the many influences on my poetry and writing during the 90's.
It was partly recorded on the island of Ibiza, it incorporates Balearic beat and acid house influences into the group's electro/rock sound.
From Amazon.com: There's an awful lot of people out there who share my opinion that this is New Order's finest album, and with good reason. Technique is consistently superb from the first notes of Fine Time through the final fade out of Dream Attack. Its the soundtrack to that summer you've always dreamed of - basking on a sun soaked beach while the warm wind washes over you.
READ MORE: http://www.amazon.com/review/RWR810KBTIH7C/ref=cm_cr_pr_viewpnt#RWR810KBTIH7C
"Vanishing Point" by New Order : Click video or link to listen:
"Mr. Disco" by New Order : Click video or link to listen:
"Dream Attack" by New Order : Click video or link to listen: